Still your grandfather’s boiler
Through a study of New Source Review, we empirically investigate how the differential treatment of coal boilers shaped the utilization, retirement and emissions of US coal generators.
My working papers and research publications.
Through a study of New Source Review, we empirically investigate how the differential treatment of coal boilers shaped the utilization, retirement and emissions of US coal generators.
My dissertation leverages electricity data for an economic investigation of three disparate topics: the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; the implications of government ownership on the exercise of market power in the Australian National Electricity Market; and, the unintended consequences of US Clean Air Act regulation on coal boilers.
This white paper is one in a series summarizing recent research findings on zero-emission vehicles and related policy for the state of California.
This paper summarise the main contributions to the economic literature on grace periods.
This paper develops a model to analyse the tension between grace periods and foreclosure on public access, assessing its impacts on knowledge ow and welfare.
We report on and analyze the results of an energy use survey in two tribal villages in rural Maharashtra, India, finding evidence for for the ‘energy ladder’ hypothesis.